What is a Bible Type?

As the name Truth in Types implies, we are all about the study of Bible types! Types are different than simply reading the Bible verse by verse. They are somewhat similar to parables, in that they use something tangible to illustrate a spiritual truth, yet not quite the same.

Bible types draw largely from the Old Testament and use people and events to illustrate a spiritual truth, or to actually predict a future event. They are prophetic by nature. Though not as numerous, you can also find them scattered throughout the New Testament as well.

An example of a spiritual truth such as the ‘Daily’ can be found in the account of Samson and the lion. He was attacked by the lion but was able to overcome and destroy it. But then it changed forms and became sweet in the form of honey! Samson could not resist this honey, and not only ate of it but gave it to others to eat as well. This illustrates the change from Paganism to Papalism. Just as the honey came out of the lion, an unclean animal, so Papalism has its roots in Paganism.  The early Christians were able to subdue Paganism, but when it changed forms and put on the religious robe of Catholicism, it became sweet and they were not able to resist it. As we’ll see in our presentations, it gives a correct understanding of Samson’s riddle and makes sense to us.

Samson also gives us an example of a prophetic type as well. He clearly delineates at least three church periods that are described in Revelation 2 and 3.

One of them is the Philadelphian church. In the historical account Samson assembled three hundred foxes with torches between their tails and sent them off into the Philistine fields to burn up the shocks, the standing corn, the vineyards and the olive trees.

In the Millerite movement of the Philadelphian church we are not looking for three hundred foxes to accomplish a work, but want to understand what those foxes represent. The shocks tell us that it was a time of harvest, and the standing corn, the vineyards, and the olive trees were removed by the flame that was brought in by the foxes.

In the Millerite/Philadelphian time period there were three hundred charts produced that were called the 1843 prophetic chart. These charts contained the prophetic information of Daniel and Revelation that clearly showed where they were in the stream of time. As they went through the country they ‘burned up’ or removed the corn, wine, and oil, representing the people that were ready to be ‘harvested’ from the Protestant denominations of that time. This represents the transition from the church of Sardis to the Philadelphian church.

It was through the study of types that Samuel Snow, one of our early pioneers along with others, discovered the true date of October 22, 1844 as the point in time when Christ was to move from the holy place of the heavenly sanctuary to the most holy place. This of course was fully set forth at the Exeter camp meeting in August of that year, which was the beginning of the true midnight cry.

We can also see this in the writings of EG White. One example would be where she states that the raising of Nebuchadnezzar’s image on the plain of Dura is a direct type of the raising of the National Sunday Law here in the United States. In another place she uses the death decree by king Ahasuerus in Esther’s time to illustrate how it will become universal. In both of these cases she gives us a very definite key which unlocks the rest of the type for our understanding.

In Luke 4:24-27, Christ, after outlining His mission, uses an example of how Elijah was received by his own people to typify how he would be received by the Jews of his time. This also applies to us down at the end of time as part of the ‘Elijah Message.’

Finally, Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10 that these things happened to them for examples: or, types, and that they are written for our admonition.

On this website we’ll be taking a much closer look at the types just mentioned, along with many others. The overriding framework or perspective of all of these types are the Three Angels Messages, given from Christ Himself, which teach us how to have a character formed that will withstand every test and prepares us to be translated.


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